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Statkraft is at the heart of the UK’s energy transition. Since 2006, Statkraft has gone from strength to strength in the UK, building experience across wind, solar, hydro, storage, grid stability, EV charging, green hydrogen and a thriving markets business.
Statkraft is a global company in energy market operations, more than 7,000 employees in over 20 countries.
We’ve invested over £1.4 billion in the UK's renewable energy infrastructure and facilitated over 4.3 GW of new-build renewable energy generation through Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).
Across our UK businesses we employ more than 550 staff in England, Scotland and Wales and play a key role in helping the global business reach its goal of 9 GW of developed wind and solar power by 2025.
Read more about Statkraft UK.
In Dumfries & Galloway, we have two consented wind farms Windy Rig and Twentyshilling Hill, which were developed by Element Power (now Statkraft). These will be our first subsidy-free projects in the UK.
Across Scotland, we majority own and operate three wind farms - in Moray, South Lanarkshire and Caithness.
We are following Scottish Government advice and industry guidance due to COVID-19 in all activities relating to development, construction and operations.
We would like to thank members of the local community for engaging with us since the proposal was submitted to scoping in May 2020.
We have a history of engaging early with the local community, and set up this website earlier than usual to provide an easy way for people to find out more and contact us when we are unable to be present in the community.
We welcome the opportunity to speak with local groups and residents by phone or video call at an appropriate time to provide more detail on our proposals which have been submitted to the Scottish Government and the Energy Consents Unit. The project went live on the Energy Consents Unit Website(External link) on 7 April 2021.
Feel free to get in touch, it would be great to hear from you. If you would like to stay informed on the project, please register for updates.
Following the completion of our environmental studies and feedback from consultees you can view the proposed locations of the turbines submitted to on Planning application documents. If consented, the exact location of turbines may be subject to 'micro-siting' following further assessment of onsite conditions prior to construction. Any 'micro-siting will be limited by planning conditions and overseen by an independent Ecological Clerk of Works.
We are proposing a 12 turbine wind farm, with a maximum height of 180 metres to blade tip.
Before a planning application is submitted, we will hold a full consultation to show the final project plan in detail and give further opportunity for feedback.
To keep up to date throughout the project's development, please Get in touch.
The eastern section of the Artfield Forest site was the previously consented Gass Wind Farm project which was developed by WilloWind Energy Limited. The planning permission for the Gass Wind Farm project has now lapsed and Statkraft will be submitting an entirely new application for the project.
WilloWind Energy Limited has no involvement in the new scheme being developed by Statkraft.
Yes. Even with our subsidy-free wind farms, we commit to a community benefit fund based on the Scottish Government recommended amount, which is £5,000 per MW installed.
The Artfield Forest Wind Farm proposal includes a proposed community benefit package up to £336,000 per annum for the lifetime of the project.
We would like to hear your ideas about how this funding could be managed and allocated, you can let us know your ideas here.
In addition to a community fund, we look for other ways our projects can bring meaningful benefits to the community such as the potential for improved access to broadband(External link), and using Local suppliers.
We are still at an early stage of the proposals and will consult with Transport Scotland, Dumfries & Galloway Council's Roads Team and local communities before this is confirmed.
Because of the site's location near existing projects, we will look at the road links used for those turbine deliveries.
Yes. We have a 'Local Supplier' registration link on the website and please get in touch if you are a local business and interested in the project. We plan to organise 'Meet the Developer' events for businesses (either virtual or in person depending on Covid guidance) in the future and we are dedicated to working with the local supply chain. We already work with Dumfries & Galloway companies on the construction of our Windy Rig project and we are a member of the Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce.
The proposed wind farm is situated within an extensive area of commercial forestry whereby felling and replanting is common. If the project is consented, some tree felling will be required to facilitate the wind farm infrastructure, but we will seek to minimise this forestry loss.
In Scotland, there is a requirement to replant any felled trees. Trees are carefully considered as part of the wind farm development process and this information is publicly available in planning application documents.
We have secured grid capacity for a connection in 2024 and the project will connect to the substation at Newton Stewart.