Project updates
These are the latest project updates for Achrugan Wind Farm
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The Achrugan Wind Farm team would like to thank members of the community who returned feedback online, in person or through our postal response forms during the consultation period from 29 May – 14 June.
The in-person public consultation events were held in Strathy and Bettyhill Village Halls on 29 and 30 May. You can still view the information on display and give your feedback on the project.
The primary purpose was to introduce Statkraft and the Achrugan Wind Farm to the local community, and gather feedback on the project. The project is still at an early stage and a range of studies are underway including landscape and visual assessments, ecological, noise, shadow flicker and socio-economics. These studies all form part of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report) required for wind farms and will be publicly available when an application is submitted.
The next steps are to review the feedback and continue the studies required for the project, both of which will help shape the development. We expect that the project will change from the design shared during our events, and we will hold a second round of public consultation events to keep the local community updated before an application is made. In the meantime, we will be keeping local community councils and groups updated. Residents are encouraged to register to be added to the mailing list.
Statkraft have announced a proposal for a new wind farm development, known as Achrugan, near Strathy in Caithness. The proposal is for up to 14 turbines and 50MW of battery energy storage, located in an area of plantation forestry approximately 27km south-west of Thurso.
The project is at an early stage of development, with the first formal approach to The Highland Council (via scoping) shortly and an application to The Scottish Government (Section 36 application) to follow in 2025.
Ahead of the submission of a scoping request, local residents and businesses are invited to meet the project team and view the early plans at two upcoming exhibitions:
- Strathy Village Hall: 1.30pm to 7.30pm, Wednesday, 29th May 2024; and
- Bettyhill Village Hall: 10am to 2pm, Thursday, 30th May 2024.