An Càrr Dubh Wind Farm

An Càrr Dubh Wind Farm

* The project was originally called Car Duibh Wind Farm. We renamed the wind farm, following local feedback and further advice, to accurately reflect local Gaelic and the wind farm location. More information is available under project updates from 27 October 2021.

The Section 36 Application for An Càrr Dubh Wind Farm was submitted to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU) in April 2023.   

The proposal submitted consists of 13 turbines up to 180m to blade tip height, with the closest turbine to Inveraray (Turbine 1) located approximately 6km to the north-west and the closest turbine to Dalavich (Turbine 13) approximately 4.5km to the east.   

Since the project was introduced in May 2021 (this was our Scoping Submission), our studies progressed and we received consultation feedback, during our exhibition events held over June/July 2021 and November 2021, the project changed to reflect comments received and the findings of our onsite studies. 

The original proposal was for 26 turbines up to 200m to tip height. The final proposal represents a 50% reduction in the number of turbines and a 20 metre reduction in turbine tip height across the site.  We believe our final proposal of up to 13 turbines up to 180m to tip finds the balance of providing a substantial renewable energy contribution, while addressing feedback received and incorporating the findings of the completed environmental and technical onsite studies. 

The installed capacity for the wind farm is expected to be 85.8MW.  As the Application is seeking consent for a wind farm over 50MW of installed capacity, it will be considered by the Local Authority Planning Committee, with the consenting decision being determined by the Scottish Government. 

The planning documents are available to view online. You can access the documents at the Energy Consents website under the application reference ECU00004781 or on this website under the 'Planning application documents’ tab.  

The Non-Technical Summary of the EIA Report, which can be found in the General Documents in the Planning application documents folder provides a useful summary of the full Report.  

How to Make a Representation  

Should you wish to make a representation to the application these must be submitted to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU) via:  

  • the Energy Consents Unit website at;  
  • email to;  
  • post to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow G2 8LU  

Representations should identify the proposal and set out the grounds for representation. Written or emailed representations should be dated, clearly state the name (in block capitals), full return email and postal address of those making representations.  

All representations should have been received by the ECU no later than 24 May 2023, which was 30 days after the last advert published in the Argyllshire Advertiser on the 21 April 2023 (the 30 days does not include public holidays) although Ministers may consider representations received after this date.  

If you have a question about the project please ask us a question or request a call back on the Get in touch page. 


Picture of a white construction van outside at a windfarm

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Project timeline

  • Stage 1: Site Selection (12 months)

    Extensive research to identify suitable sites: positive indicators include good wind speed and minimal environmental and technical constraints.

  • Stage 2: Pre-Planning (6 - 12 months)

    We request the view of the Scottish Government, Argyll and Bute Council and other statutory and non-statutory bodies on the level of study required (known as "Scoping"). 


  • Stage 3: Submit Planning Application, and Decision (12 months)

    An application is submitted to the Scottish Government, accompanied by a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment Report showing the results of all studies undertaken.  

  • Stage 4: Construction (12 - 18 months)

    If Car Duibh is approved, construction begins at least one year after consent.

    Construction typically takes 12-18 months and planning conditions are used to manage elements of construction.

  • Stage 5: Operation (35 - 40 years)

    The turbines are managed from a regionally based maintenance team, and operations are controlled by detailed planning conditions.


  • Stage 6: Decommissioning (12 months)

    At the end of the planning period, turbines are removed or an option could be taken to repower the project.

The project team

Scott Vallance
Principal Project Manager
Ruth Semple
Community Liaison Manager

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