Project updates
These are the latest project updates.
Latest news
A planning application for a temporary meteorological mast (met mast) for the proposed Giant’s Burn Wind Farm has been submitted to Argyll and Bute Council.
The purpose of the met mast is to collect more data to increase our knowledge of the wind resource within the site. If consented, the mast will be located within the proposed wind farm site boundary, will measure up to 120m in height and is expected to be place for up to 4 years.
Full details of the application can be viewed on the Council’s planning portal which can be accessed under the application reference 24/01926/PP and is available to view on the Argyll and Bute Council website.
If you have any questions please Get in Touch.
We would like to thank local residents of communities close, and further afield, to our proposed Giant's Burn Wind Farm for coming along and providing their feedback during our first Public Exhibition period in April and May this year.
The report of the exhibition period is now available to view.
The Giant’s Burn Wind Farm team would like to thank, the nearly 400 members of the community that visited the in-person exhibitions and over 300 people who have provided feedback by online and postal feedback cards during the exhibition period from 15 April - 5 May.
The in-person exhibitions were held in Innellan, Dunnon, Kilmun and Cove over the 24 and 25 April 2024. You can still give your feedback on the project by using the online feedback form.
The proposal, located approximately 2.1km to the north-west of Dunoon and 1.5km south-west of Sandbank, currently comprises of up to 9 turbines with a maximum tip height of up to 200m and a battery energy storage system to maximise any future renewable energy produced.
The primary purposes of the exhibitions was to gather feedback from the local community and provide more information on the project. As the project is at the very early stages a range of studies are underway for the proposed development including landscape and visual assessments, ecological, noise, shadow flicker and Socio Economic, Tourism and recreation. These studies all form part of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report) required for windfarms and will be publicly available when an application is submitted. This application is expected to be submitted before the end of the Spring 2025.
The next steps are to review the feedback and continue the studies required for the project both of which will help shape development. We will hold a second round of exhibitions later this year and in the meantime, we will be keeping local community councils and groups updated.
We are pleased to announce we will be hosting our first series of public exhibition events on the 24 and 25 April 2024 to share our early plans for Giant's Burn Wind Farm.
Over 10,000 households and businesses surrounding the site within the Argyll and Bute local authority are being sent invites to attend, expected to land on doormats from 15 April, and advertisements will be placed in the local Dunoon Observer 12 April and 19 April 2024.
The exhibition will provide residents and other interested parties the opportunity to review our proposals and provide their views. Since introducing our plans in March 2024 we have shared details fo the project via email with surrounding Community Councils and look forward to sharing our plans and hearing the views of the wider community at this very early stage of the project.
Local residents will be able to provide their feedback in person at four local exhibition events we are hosting on:
Wednesday 24 April 2024:
Innellan Village Hall, 51 Shore Road, Innellan, PA23 7TH. 11am - 3pm
Queens Hall, Meeting Room 1, 9 Argyll Street, Dunoon, PA23 7HH. 5pm – 8.30pm
Thursday 25 April 2024:
Younger Hall, Shore Road, Kilmun, Cowal, PA23 8SB. 10am - 1pm
Cove Burgh Hall, Shore Road, Cove, G84 0LY. 4pm – 7.30pm
For those unable to attend our in-person events, an online exhibition will be available between 15 April - 5 May 2024, via a link on this website. The website link will be available from 15 April 2024.
The website will be kept updated throughout the development period to keep you informed, and you can contact us here throughout the project.

We are pleased to have submitted a Scoping Request to the Scottish Government for Giant's Burn Wind Farm, located approximately 2.1km north-west of Dunoon and 1.5km south-west of Sandbank within the Argyll and Bute Council area.
We are considering the potential for up to 9 turbines, with a maximum blade tip height of up to 200m and an installed capacity of up to 64.8MW. To maximise the green electricity produced on site we are also considering battery storage within the site. An initial site layout is shown below.
Scoping is the very earliest stage of a development project. It provides the opportunity to formally gather views and feedback of key stakeholders, such as NatureScot and local community councils, on the proposal and the key topics to be assessed for the development. The findings of these asessments and feedback will help shape our proposals and any future planning application.
Two exhibition periods will be held for the project, the first is expected to be held in spring 2024 and the second held before the submission of any application. We are currently aiming to submit at application at the end of 2024 / early 2025.
If the project is consented, we will be helping Scotland achieve our Net Zero goals.
You can find the full scoping documents including a location plan for the proposal under project documents and provide your feedback here.