Appin Wind Farm Scoping Layout
Appin Scoping Layout

Appin Wind Farm

The proposed Appin Wind Farm is located in Dumfries and Galloway approximately, 12.5km to the west of Thornhill, 6.5km north west of Tynron and 6km north west of the village of Moniaive.

We hosted our first Public Exhibition for the proposal online from 29 August – 19 September 2022. We were also pleased to be able to meet the community at two in person exhibition events on the 7 September 2022 at Glencairn Memorial Institute, Moniaive and on 8 September 2022 at Tynron Parish Hall.

The exhibition provided residents and other interested parties the opportunity to review our current proposal and provide their views.  Thank you to everyone who attended, viewed the website and provided their views. 

A Scoping Request was submitted to the Scottish Government in March 2022 to consider the potential of up to 25 turbines, with a maximum blade tip height of up to 230m and an installed capacity of over 50MW.

Since then we have carried out further studies and listened to initial feedback and our current proposal for 17 turbines, with 15 turbines to 230m to tip height and 2 turbines 200m to tip height.  It was this proposal that was presented at the first exhibition.  You can view the exhibition material under the project documents tab.

The details of the project submitted to planning in the future will continue to be determined through ongoing environmental studies and consultation. There will be further opportunities to view plans and provide your comments during the development stage to help shape the final design.

If the project is consented, we will be able to provide more households with carbon free electricity, heat and transport in the future, helping Scotland to meet our Net Zero emissions target by 2045.

You can view the Scoping Request documents here or find out more about the project by taking time to read our Frequently Asked Questions or by getting in touch.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the project which you can do by filling in the feedback form on the Get in touch page.


Picture of a white construction van outside at a windfarm

Find your frequently asked questions here

If you can't find your question here, please leave us your question in the form on the bottom of the page and we will get back to you as soon as we can.  

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Local Suppliers

Our aim is to have the least impact and provide the most benefit to the communities in which we operate. The construction phase is one way we can create economic benefits through inward investment, a...

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Project timeline

  • Stage 1: Site Selection (12 months)

    Extensive research to identify suitable sites: positive indicators include good wind speed and minimal environmental and technical constraints. 


  • Stage 2: Pre-Planning (6 - 12 months)

    We request the view of the Scottish Government and statutory consultees on the level of study required (known as "Scoping").  

  • Stage 3: Submit Planning Application, and Decision (12 months)

    An application is submitted to the Scottish Government, accompanied by a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment Report showing the results of all studies undertaken.  

  • Stage 4: Construction (12 - 18 months)

    If Appin Wind Farm is approved, construction begins at least one year after consent.

    Construction typically takes 12-18 months and planning conditions are used to manage elements of construction.

  • Stage 5: Operation (50 years)

    The turbines are managed from a regionally based maintenance team, and operations are controlled by detailed planning conditions. 


  • Stage 6: Decommissioning (12 months)

    At the end of the planning period, turbines are removed. A financial bond, parent company guarantee or another financial instrument is put in place before construction starts to cover this cost.

The project team

Rebecca Todd
Principal Project Manager
Ruth Semple
Community Liaison Manager

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