Project updates
These are the latest project updates for Coylton Greener Grid Park
Latest news
Statkraft is grateful to everyone from the local community who attended our Public Exhibition event for Coylton Greener Grid Park.
We were pleased to welcome visitors to our Information Day at the Ochiltree Community Hub on 19 September, where we outlined our plans for a Section 36 application and provided updates on ongoing construction works.
Public Exhibition materials are also available on our website and an online exhibition will be live from 19 September until 4 October 2024 for those who couldn’t attend in person.
We invite you to attend a public exhibition for our Coylton Greener Grid Park proposal in East Ayrshire, close to the Coylton substation.
Statkraft received consent for Coylton Greener Grid Park in February 2024 and construction started in July 2024. This exhibition outlines our plans for a Section 36 application to increase the capacity of the site. We expect the visual appearance of the project to remain the same as the consented 50MW application.
Ochiltree Community Hub, 45 Main Street, KA18 2PE
Thursday, 19 September 2024, from 3.30pm to 7.30pm
We will upload public exhibition material on this project website from 19 September 2024. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.
Thank you and we hope you can take part in the consultation event.
Statkraft has commenced construction at Coylton Greener Grid Park.
In April 2024 our planning application for Coylton Greener Grid Park was consented by the East Ayrshire Council.
There were no consultee objections and no local representations against the application. It is a welcome milestone to start construction on the project.
The project will provide an essential service to stabilise the power grid and allow more renewable energy to be transmitted through the network, without relying on fossil fuelled power stations. This means fewer harmful emissions, and lower bills for consumers, because renewable energy is cheaper.
Coylton Greener Grid Park will be located next to the Coylton electricity substation off of the Ayr Road (A70) and will take around 18 months to build.
We will provide regular updates on construction progress. Get in touch to leave a comment or call on 0800 772 0668 if you would like any further information.
Pre-construction enabling works are scheduled to be carried out on site starting the week commencing 8th July 2024.
Pre-construction enabling works are scheduled to be carried out on site starting the week commencing 8th July 2024. These works will take approximately two weeks to complete and will include:
- Erecting temporary traffic lights.
- Implementing a 30mph speed limit which will remain in place for the duration of the construction period.
- Hedge removal under Environmental Clerk of Works supervision.
- Carrying out livestock fencing to allow the landowner full use of the area which is not being developed.
Please click here for more information on the traffic management measures we are undertaking at Coylton.
Whilst the start of this work could appear that construction has commenced, we want to assure you that these are short-term pre-construction activities. We will keep you informed as we confirm details about the construction process.
Please do not hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions.
We are delighted that our application for Coylton Greener Grid Park, a proposed 50MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), received unanimous planning approval on 16 February 2024.
The proposed development is located next to the Coylton substation in East Ayrshire, Scotland, and this application represented an increased capacity on the site where we already have consent for 20MW, enabling us to meet National Grid stability contract requirements. We expect to commence construction in Summer 2024.
We would like to thank everyone who engaged with us throughout the planning process and provided feedback. We will continue to keep residents and local representatives updated as our plans progress on this site.
Ahead of the determination of our planning application for Coylton Greener Grid Park (REF: 23/0580/PP), scheduled for 16 February 2024, we have published a briefing document.
This document provides a summary of the Coylton Greener Grid Park proposal, setting out information on the project and some of the additional benefits, including biodiversity enhancements and a community benefit fund. It includes no new information.
Statkraft is grateful to everyone from the local community who attended our Information Day event for Coylton Greener Grid Park.
We were pleased to welcome visitors to our Information Day at the Ochiltree Community Hub. The event which was initially scheduled for 23 January was postponed to 13 February due to adverse weather warnings (Storm Jocelyn).
At the event, local residents were able to view our proposals, ask the development team questions, and give their feedback. Information Day materials were also made available to view on our website from 23 January for those who couldn’t attend in person.
We previously informed you of the postponement our Information Day, initially scheduled for Tuesday 23 January 2024, due to weather warnings. The event has now been rescheduled for 13 February, 3.30pm – 7:30pm at Ochiltree Community Hub, 45 Main Street, KA18 2PE

Due to weather warnings, we have regretfully had to cancel the Information Day scheduled for Tuesday 23 January 2024 as a safety precaution.
We will be re-scheduling in the near future and keep you updated.
Please get in touch with us if you have any questions
You are invited to an Information Day on Coylton Greener Grid Park. This will take place on 23 January, 3.30pm – 7:30pm at Ochiltree Community Hub, 45 Main Street, KA18 2PE.
Statkraft received consent for Coylton Greener Grid park proposal on land south of Ayr Road, Coylton, East Ayrshire (near Coylton substation) from East Ayrshire Council in August 2022. We are proposing some changes and submitted a new planning application in 2023, which aims to:
- increase the energy capacity;
- move the infrastructure slightly to the south; and
- refine the layout and required infrastructure to remove the synchronous compensators.
For more details please visit the project website which will provide the same Information Day material from 23 January 2024.
Statkraft has now submitted a major planning application (ref 23/0580/PP) to East Ayrshire Council in October 2023 for a Greener Grid Park on land adjacent to Coylton substation. This application represents Battery Energy Storage Scheme (BESS) with a capacity of 50MW.
Planning Background
In October 2021, Statkraft submitted a local planning application for Coylton Greener Grid Park in East Ayrshire (ref: 21/0748/PP). In March 2022, we were successful in a bidding process to provide stability services for NGESO under Stability Pathfinder Phase 2 and subsequently received planning consent for the development from East Ayrshire Council in August 2022. The planning application received no objections during the planning process and this consented scheme has not been built.
When we submitted the first application, NGESO had not confirmed their exact requirements for the project. Now they have confirmed these, we have submitted a new application to East Ayrshire Council, which will accurately represent the project and meet our obligations under our Stability contract with NGESO. This proposed scheme will replace the consented scheme.
You can review the full planning application on the council’s planning portal using ref 23/0580/PP here:
If you would like to be kept informed with project news, contact us here.
We would like to thank all residents and interested groups who took the time to visit our public exhibition and online consultation regarding our plans for Coylton Greener Grid Park.
The online event ran from Monday 23 May until Monday 30 May 2022 and we held an in person event on the 26 of May at Ochiltree Community Hub. Both the in person and online event provided opportunities to interact with the project team, review visualisations, predicted viewpoints and information about the project layout. Attendees were also encouraged to provide feedback.
The online exhibition material can be viewed here.
Residents and businesses local to the project were sent the invitation to take part and we are grateful for every response.
We will be writing to all those who provided comments and those that requested to receive project updates over the coming weeks. Please note that anyone who returned one of our freepost reply cards and didn’t tick the ‘keep me updated’ box means we are unable to respond directly due to GDPR legislation.
We will look to hold a further exhibition in June 2022 ahead of submitting a Major Planning application to East Ayrshire Council later in the Summer. When the application is submitted the community will have a formal opportunity to comment on the plans as part of the statutory consultation process.

We are pleased to announce the online consultation for our proposed Greener Grid Park at Coylton has commenced, and look forward to meeting local residents at our public exhibition in Ochiltree on Thursday 26 May.

Statkraft is delighted to announce that we have once again achieved success in our bids to provide stability services for National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO).
Our Greener Grid Park proposals at Coylton in East Ayrshire was successful in the bidding process which is a significant milestone for the project. In order to provide the stability services required, changes need to be made to the project which will be reflected a new planning application.
Statkraft started this process by submitting a Pre Application Notice (PAN) on the 05 April 2022 which is the first step in the planning process. This will be followed by a public consultation process including public exhibitions on the 26th of May and 16th June 2022.
A Greener Grid Park will help increase the amount of renewable energy which can be delivered onto the grid network. We have found at times that although renewable technologies can meet the energy demand on the grid, NGESO is having to turn the renewable supply off and switch on fossil fuel power plants to stabilise the network, which is costing the environment and the consumer. The zero-carbon stability-improving devices in the Greener Grid Parks will enable more green electricity to run, are cheaper for consumers, and will allow the market to deliver as much renewable energy generation as possible.
Should we be successful Statkraft will utilise our world class expertise in grid stabilising technology to construct our Greener Grid Park at Coylton. The technology used in our Greener Grid Parks will help to future-proof Scotland’s wind generation success story, help NGESO continue to operate the fastest decarbonising electricity network in the world and help them to be to achieve the goal of a zero-carbon grid network by 2025.
Tom Walker the Project Manager for Coylton Greener Grid Park said: “We are committed to investing in East Ayrshire, and to help Scotland deliver its ambitious targets on its Net Zero journey. NGESO have identified a critical need for the stability services in the area. This project is perfectly placed to deliver these services, carbon free.”
For the sixth consecutive year, Statkraft have released its Low Emissions Scenario - an analysis of the energy world towards 2050.

Today Statkraft, Europe's largest generator of renewable energy, have notified local residents and community leaders of a new proposal in the area to improve the energy network.