Latest news

5 Jul, 2024
Pre-construction enabling works update

Pre-construction enabling works are scheduled to be carried out on site starting the week commencing 8th July 2024.

19 Feb, 2024
Coylton Greener Grid Park Approved

We are delighted that our application for Coylton Greener Grid Park, a proposed 50MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), received unanimous planning approval on 16 February 2024.

15 Feb, 2024
Coylton Greener Grid Park Update

Ahead of the determination of our planning application for Coylton Greener Grid Park (REF: 23/0580/PP), scheduled for 16 February 2024, we have published a briefing document.

14 Feb, 2024
Thank you for attending our Information Day event

Statkraft is grateful to everyone from the local community who attended our Information Day event for Coylton Greener Grid Park.

30 Jan, 2024
RESCHEDULED - Information Day

We previously informed you of the postponement our Information Day, initially scheduled for Tuesday 23 January 2024, due to weather warnings. The event has now been rescheduled for 13 February, 3.30pm – 7:30pm at Ochiltree Community Hub, 45 Main Street, KA18 2PE

22 Jan, 2024
An important update on our Information Day

Due to weather warnings, we have regretfully had to cancel the Information Day scheduled for Tuesday 23 January 2024 as a safety precaution. 

8 Jan, 2024
You're invited to our Information Day

You are invited to an Information Day on Coylton Greener Grid Park. This will take place on 23 January, 3.30pm – 7:30pm at Ochiltree Community Hub, 45 Main Street, KA18 2PE.

10 Nov, 2023
Coylton Greener Grid Park- Major application submitted

Statkraft has now submitted a major planning application (ref 23/0580/PP) to East Ayrshire Council in October 2023 for a Greener Grid Park on land adjacent to Coylton substation. This application represents Battery Energy Storage Scheme (BESS) with a capacity of 50MW.

30 May, 2022
Public Consultation- Thank you for your feedback

We would like to thank all residents and interested groups who took the time to visit our public exhibition and online consultation regarding our plans for Coylton Greener Grid Park.

22 May, 2022
Consultation launched for proposed Coylton Greener Grid Park

We are pleased to announce the online consultation for our proposed Greener Grid Park at Coylton has commenced, and look forward to meeting local residents at our public exhibition in Ochiltree on Thursday 26 May.

28 Apr, 2022
Statkraft awarded National Grid ESO tender and submits new planning application

Statkraft is delighted to announce that we have once again achieved success in our bids to provide stability services for National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO).

25 Nov, 2021
Statkraft releases latest annual Low Emissions Scenario report

For the sixth consecutive year, Statkraft have released its Low Emissions Scenario - an analysis of the energy world towards 2050.

17 Nov, 2021
Announcing our proposal for a Greener Grid Park near Coylton, East Ayrshire

Today Statkraft, Europe's largest generator of renewable energy, have notified local residents and community leaders of a new proposal in the area to improve the energy network.