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About the developer
Statkraft is at the heart of the UK’s energy transition. Since 2006, Statkraft has gone from strength to strength in the UK, building experience across wind, solar, hydro, storage, grid stability, EV charging, green hydrogen and a thriving markets business.
Statkraft is a global company in energy market operations, more than 7,000 employees in over 20 countries.
We’ve invested over £1.4 billion in the UK's renewable energy infrastructure and facilitated over 4.3 GW of new-build renewable energy generation through Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).
Across our UK businesses we employ nearly 500 staff in England, Scotland and Wales and play a key role in helping the global business reach its goal of 9 GW of developed wind and solar power by 2025.
Read more about Statkraft UK.
Energy Isles is a consortium of over fifty mainly Shetland-based businesses that initiated the project, with a strong desire to retain maximum benefits of Shetland's emerging new renewable energy sector within the isles.
The companies in the consortium are from a wide variety of existing sectors, including crofting, farming, fishing, aquaculture, transport, renewables and support services. Several are based in the North Isles.
The deal reached between Statkraft and Energy Isles is a project acquisition - with some elements of financial interest and control retained by Energy Isles Limited’s local shareholders.
The shareholders of Energy Isles Limited were clear from an early stage that there would come a time when the right development partner would have to be brought on board to help progress the project.
As a consortium of small to medium sized businesses, the input and expertise of a large development partner was needed to be able to take this project forward into construction.
For more information on Energy Isles Limited, visit www.energyisles.co.uk
Statkraft owns two windfarm projects on Shetland that are currently in pre-construction - Beaw Field Wind Farm on Yell and Mossy Hill Wind Farm near Lerwick.
We have a number of projects in operation or in development across Scotland and the UK. These include Baillie Wind Farm (near Thurso), Berry Burn Wind Farm (Moray) and Altwallis Wind Farm (Wales). We also operate several wind farm sites on behalf of their owners.
You can find a map of all of our sites and projects here.
Local benefits
Yes. Since its early beginnings, the developers of this project have been committed to a community benefit fund. Statkraft is committed to continuing this pledge, and the project will deliver £5,000 per MW installed, as per Scottish Government best practice guidance.
The exact amount of the fund will depend on the type of wind turbines installed, but as a guide, if 18 wind turbines were built, with an installed capacity of 126MW, this would deliver a fund of £630,000 per year for the three community council areas that make up the North Isles; or £18 million over the 30 year life of the project.
Should the project be consented, we will support and facilitate these communities to establish and lead on a fund delivery model that addresses the needs most important to them.
This would enable much needed local investment, and with careful management it is often possible to significantly increase the value of the fund by accessing match funding opportunities.
Do you have ideas or suggestions for the fund? You can submit them here.
The renewable energy sector in Scotland is now a significant contributor to the local, regional and national economy. Should this project be consented there are very clear economic benefits to be delivered during the construction and operational phases of the project.
In addition to the significant investment during the construction period, four local jobs are expected to be required throughout the operating period.
Our aim is to continue working with local suppliers as much as possible. Two supplier events in Lerwick and Yell saw over 100 attendees. We are involved with the Shetland Renewables Business Network and will work with Train Shetland to maximise benefits for local suppliers.
If you are a local supplier or would like to recommend a supplier for our database, you can do so here.
By using the local workforce where possible, the wind farm can have a direct and positive effect on Shetland's economy. We are committed to working with local suppliers and we have already held two Supplier Day events, the first in Lerwick and the second in Yell. These events were held jointly with Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Shetland Renewable Business Network.
If you are a local supplier, we'd like to hear from you so we can add you to our local supplier register. Please contact us.
About the Project
In September 2021, we submitted an updated proposal for 18 turbines with a tip height of 180m. This is a reduction from the original proposal for 29 turbines at 200m height.
The key improvements from these changes have been to:
- reduce the adverse impacts to the Shetland National Scenic Area (NSA);
- reduce peat disturbance; and
- reduce impact on ornithology.
Although the actual model of turbine has yet to be selected, we have been able to take advantage of developments of improved turbines to balance efficiency with site impact.
The project has significantly reduced in size over the past six years, from 63 to 18 turbines. Watch the illustrated project timeline showing the evolution of the project since 2012.
We have applied for permission to operate the wind farm for 30 years.
Shetlanders already know how windy the Isles are!
We think this site might have the highest wind speeds of any wind farm site in the UK.
Based on 18 turbines and approximately 126 MW installed, we estimate the wind farm could power the equivalent of around 151,000 homes per year*.
* Calculated with a capacity factor of 51%, annual UK average household consumption (3.748 MWh) (BEIS, Dec 2021).
Throughout the development process we have worked closely with NatureScot (previously Scottish Natural Heritage) and the Scottish Enviroment Protection Agency (SEPA) to agree methods of construction and peat management.
The Scottish Government Carbon Calculator is a tool to determine the carbon impact of wind farm developments in Scotland, and shows that the Energy Isles project will pay back all the carbon used, including effects to peat, in around two years.
The revised layout we submitted in September 2021 has been designed to reduce the volume of peat disturbance.
We have worked with both NatureScot and SEPA to develop solutions which protect or restore peat on Yell, and as a result both organisations have removed their objections to the project.
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) require some wind turbines to be lit. We have agreed a lighting scheme with the CAA, which will see lights on 11 of the 18 turbines. Details of the lighting scheme can be found in our planning submission.
The lighting is designed to have as little impact on its surroundings as possible. Night time views were also assessed as part of the visual impact assessments.
General day to day traffic will use the existing ferry service.
For delivery of turbine components, the plan is to transport oversize components on sea-going vessels at Sullom Voe or Greenhead Base and transfer them using a barge to Yell.
We think there could be potential to use the Ulsta port. If this is possible our intention would be to land the barge during the hours the Ferry Service is not running i.e. between 11pm and 6am.
Shadow flicker modelling has been undertaken and is reported within the planning application documents submitted with the EIAR.
We are pleased that the revised layout has removed any potential for shadow flicker effects on nearby homes.
We have worked with Shetland Islands Council and Enviromental Health Officers to ensure the wind farm comfortably complies with strict, legally enforceable noise limits.
Detailed noise studies have been undertaken to model the predicted noise and these are included in the EIAR (available at www.energyisles.co.uk) which is submitted as part of the planning application.
Should the project be found to exceed noise limits during operation, we would be required to rectify this.
We take every possible step throughout the development process to assess and minimise any impact on wildlife.
In September 2021, we submitted plans which reduced the number of turbines to 18, in turn reducing impact on birds by allowing uninterrupted access from the lochans in the centre of the site, to the coast.
The methodology for all studies and assessments have been agreed by statutory consultees such as NatureScot (formerly Scottish Natureal Heritage) and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and following best practice guidance.
The studies showing impacts on wildlife are published as part of our planning application. These are available here.