Met Mast removal at Mossy Hill

Wind Farm Turbine Construction

Mossy Hill Wind Farm

Mossy Hill Wind Farm is a 12 turbine development located near Lerwick, in Shetland. The project was granted consent by Shetland Islands Council in 2019.

The project was taken through the development stage by Peel Wind Farms Ltd and was purchased by Statkraft UK in 2023 alongside Beaw Field Wind Farm in Yell. 


About the Project

Mossy Hill Wind Farm will see 12 turbines constructed, with an installed capacity of approximately 48MW – generating enough renewable electricity to power the equivalent of over 34,000 homes, helping Scotland to meet its Net Zero target by 2045.


About Mossy Hill Substation

A new substation is being proposed to allow Mossy Hill Windfarm connect to the 132kV transmission network under construction between Kergord and Gremista.

The project team shared the substation plans at public public exhibitions in Lerwick and Scalloway in May 2024. Materials from the public exhibition will be available in our online exhibition until 29 May.

Comments can be made to Statkraft via our online reply form or using the below details. Comments made to Statkraft do not constitute a formal representation. An opportunity to make a formal representation will exist when the full planning application is made to Shetland Islands Council.


Get in Touch

We are keen to answer any questions that you may have about the project. You can email your questions to or call 0800 772 0668 to arrange a chat with our Mossy Hill team. Alternatively, you can get in touch using our online form. Our FAQs can be found on this page, alongside registration information for local suppliers.


Picture of a white construction van outside at a windfarm

Find your frequently asked questions here

If you can't find your question here, please leave us your question in  the form on the bottom of the page and we will give you an answer as soon as we can.  

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Local Suppliers

Our aim is to have the least impact and provide the most benefit to the communities in which we operate. The construction phase is one way we can create economic benefits through inward investment, a...

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Project timeline

  • Pre Construction

    There is a minimum one year gap between consent and construction. 

  • Construction

    Construction begins at least one year after consent. Construction typically takes 12-18 months and planning conditions are used to manage elements of construction.


  • Operation (25 years)

    The turbines are managed from an on-site maintenance team, and operations are controlled by detailed planning conditions.

    A community fund is active throughout, for worthwhile community initiatives.

  • Decommissioning

    At the end of the planning period, turbines are removed and the site is restored. A parent company guarantee or financial bond is in place to cover this cost. 

The project team

John Thouless
Principal Project Manager
Seumas Skinner
Community Liaison Manager
Tracey Leslie
Office Manager/Assistant Project Manager – Shetland

Learn more about Statkraft and wind power

The history of Statkraft

A short animated video of the History of Statkraft

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A deep dive into the vast 125 years of history as Europe's largest renewable energy producer.

Wind power - how does it work?

Learn how wind power is generating power.

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