Project Updates

These are the latest project updates for Little South Solar Farm.

Latest news

2 Jul, 2024
Solar Energy UK publish Solar Habitat Report

Solar Energy UK has published its second Solar Habitat report, looking at trends and observations from 87 solar farms in the UK, highlighting how solar farms and their management can interact with local biodiversity. You can read the Solar Habitat 2024 here.

12 Mar, 2024
Find out more about the plans for the proposed new solar farm near Sandwich

Find out more about the plans we submitted In December 2023 to Dover District Council for a new solar farm north of Sandwich which, if consented, will generate enough clean, home-grown electricity to power the equivalent of over 15,000 homes.  

8 Mar, 2024
New map showing sensitive heritage design for Little South

We’ve added a new map to Dover Council’s planning portal showing the distances of the proposed Little South Solar Farm to Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre. You can view this in large format on the Project Documents page.

6 Mar, 2024
New research from Lancaster University shows UK solar farms can support bee and butterfly populations

New research, led by scientists at Lancaster University and in collaboration with the University of Reading, has been published in the journal Ecological Solutions and Evidence that show the setting of solar farms, coupled with planting on solar sites can be beneficial to pollinators across the UK. 

13 Dec, 2023
Little South Solar Farm application submitted to Dover District Council

Statkraft has now submitted a planning application REF: 23/01363 to Dover District Council for a new a solar energy farm on land southwest of Richborough, Sandwich.

11 Mar, 2023
Announcing our Public Exhibition

We are inviting the local community to review the project plans, ask questions and provide feedback before plans are finalised for submission.  

Ash Village Hall, Queens Road, CT3 2BG
Friday 17 March, 2023.
Drop in any time between 3.30pm and 7.30pm

View the invitation for more details

25 Oct, 2022
Low Emissions Scenario report 2022 published

Statkraft’s Low Emissions Scenario is an extensive analysis of the energy market moving towards 2050. Learn all about it here.

Low emissions scenario 2022

8 Mar, 2022
Pre-application consultation launched

We are seeking your feedback on proposals for Little South Solar. We will be holding a public consultation event to share our plans and gather local views. We’ll also be uploading information to this website along with a way for local people to contact us to give feedback and ask questions