Project Updates
These are the latest project updates for Little South Solar Farm.
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Solar Energy UK has published its second Solar Habitat report, looking at trends and observations from 87 solar farms in the UK, highlighting how solar farms and their management can interact with local biodiversity. You can read the Solar Habitat 2024 here.
Find out more about the plans we submitted In December 2023 to Dover District Council for a new solar farm north of Sandwich which, if consented, will generate enough clean, home-grown electricity to power the equivalent of over 15,000 homes.
The proposal for Little South Solar Farm has been brought forward by Statkraft, a renewable energy company that has been operating in the UK since 2006.
We agree with the local community that Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre should be protected. Prior to submission of the planning application we listened to feedback from the community and heritage groups, and changes were made to the plans. We reduced the height of panels and increased their distance from the fort and amphitheatre.
The closest panels will be almost 600 metres away from the amphitheatre and over a kilometre away from the fort. Almost a third of the site will contain no solar panels at all. Statkraft are also including a 16-hectare nature restoration area, which will reduce visual impact, and restore the landscape to how it looked before it was farmed.
Wildflower grassland, wetland areas, and drainage ditches have also been added in a part of the site that has been earmarked by the council as having potential for biodiversity improvements. No part of the site is classed as Best and Most Versatile (BMV) agricultural land; a rare location ideally suited for solar development in an area that is known for its high quality land.
Heritage experts have also found no evidence or archaeological record of Roman activity on the site. However, further studies will take place, and mitigation measures put in place to conserve any significant findings.
Statkraft wants to ensure that the local community benefits directly from the construction of the planned solar farm, with a local supplier register already in place for businesses and suppliers to easily register their interest. That could be to provide anything from machinery, security, and landscaping, to local accommodation and restaurants. Statkraft will also deliver a community fund for worthwhile local projects and initiatives.
If consent is granted and work can begin, Statkraft will create temporary access roads to the site, aiding construction traffic and bypassing most local homes.
The UK Government has set a target to increase solar capacity to 70GW by 2035, with each local authority having a key role to play in helping deliver this. Dover District Council has said it aims to be a net zero carbon emitter by 2030 at the latest, as part of its climate change strategy.
Mark Henderson, Statkraft’s Senior Project Manager, said: “Solar farms deliver more than just cheaper, home-grown renewable energy. They strengthen and support the agricultural industry, enhance local biodiversity, as well as helping combat climate change.
“Finding enough land suitable for solar farms is a significant challenge for the UK renewable energy industry. Our Little South Solar Farm proposal has a good on-site connection to the electricity network, is located away from sensitive environmental areas, avoiding high quality agricultural land and will make significant contribution towards meeting the UK renewable energy targets.
“Our proposals would also make a valuable contribution towards local biodiversity targets and have a net positive effect on biodiversity, which will be hugely beneficial for local wildlife. I’d like to thank everyone who’s spoken to the team over the last year about our project. We’ve made some significant changes because we’ve listened to the local community, and we’ve been able to put forward a better proposal as a result.”
We’ve added a new map to Dover Council’s planning portal showing the distances of the proposed Little South Solar Farm to Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre. You can view this in large format on the Project Documents page.
The map shows that the nearest panels will be almost 600 metres from the amphitheatre, and over a kilometre from the fort. Designing the site this way has also allowed us to create a nature conservation area which is more in keeping with the land surrounding the Roman fort, and can support local habitats and wildlife.
New research, led by scientists at Lancaster University and in collaboration with the University of Reading, has been published in the journal Ecological Solutions and Evidence that show the setting of solar farms, coupled with planting on solar sites can be beneficial to pollinators across the UK.
The research highlighted how increased planting around solar farms plays a crucial role in supporting insects in surrounding landscapes that otherwise have fewer features like hedgerows. Read more here and take a look at some of the biodiversity measures planned for Little South here.
Statkraft has now submitted a planning application REF: 23/01363 to Dover District Council for a new a solar energy farm on land southwest of Richborough, Sandwich.
Our plans have been informed by the feedback from the pre-application public consultation that we carried out with the local community.
You can view the full planning application through Dover District Council here.
If you would like to be kept informed with project news, please get in touch.
We are inviting the local community to review the project plans, ask questions and provide feedback before plans are finalised for submission.
Ash Village Hall, Queens Road, CT3 2BG
Friday 17 March, 2023.
Drop in any time between 3.30pm and 7.30pm
We are seeking your feedback on proposals for Little South Solar. We will be holding a public consultation event to share our plans and gather local views. We’ll also be uploading information to this website along with a way for local people to contact us to give feedback and ask questions