Latest news

7 Nov, 2022
Craig Watch project team at Dufftown Farmers Market

On November 12, project manager John Wallace and community liaison Seumas Skinner will be Dufftown Farmers Market to provide updates on the project and answer any questions.

Drop by the stall to find out about the latest progress on the project or to sign-up to the local supplier register.

20 Jun, 2022
Permission sought for 11 turbine Craig Watch Wind Farm

Statkraft has submitted plans for a new windfarm near Dufftown, Moray, to the Scottish Government.

25 Nov, 2021
Statkraft releases latest annual Low Emissions Scenario report

For the sixth consecutive year, Statkraft have released its Low Emissions Scenario - an analysis of the energy world towards 2050.

The Scenario covers the energy transition necessary to move towards a low emissions world.

18 Nov, 2021
Thank you to residents

We wish to thank everyone who took the time to participate in our recent public consultation, and particularly those who attended our in-person events on 16 and 17 November in Dufftown and Glass.

4 Nov, 2021
Statkraft present reduced scheme at second consultation event

The second consultation events for Craig Watch Wind Farm will be held between 4-24 November 2021.

27 Oct, 2021
Onshore Wind in Scotland will play pivotal role in meeting net-zero targets

A report has been published on how to maximise the economic benefits of clean power for consumers while ensuring that the UK reaches net zero emissions at the lowest cost.

23 Jun, 2021
You're Invited: Find out more about 'Why here?' Webinar 29 June 2021 at 10am

One of the most common questions we are asked when developing our projects is 'Why here?".

Project consultation - Thank You

Thank you to all residents and interested groups who took the time to visit our online consultation regarding our plans for Craig Watch Wind Farm between 5 - 31 March.

5 Mar, 2021
Online Consultation for proposed Craig Watch Wind Farm

We are pleased to announce the online consultation for our proposed Craig Watch Wind Farm has commenced.

16 Mar, 2021
Listening to Feedback

In March 2021 we held our first session of online community engagement which asked for feedback on a draft wind farm layout. In addition to receiving questions and comments through the consultation website, we also received valuable feedback by phone and post.

24 Nov, 2020
Craig Watch Scoping Submission

We are pleased to submit a Scoping Request to the Scottish Government to progress our plans for Craig Watch Wind Farm. The proposals are at an early stage and the Scoping Request to the Scottish Government seeks to continue our investigations and receive early feedback from consultees.

24 Nov, 2020
Ecological restoration plan leads to nomination for prestigious renewables award

Wildfires which devastated much of the Moray countryside in the north of Scotland last year have led to increased environmental benefits being proposed by Europe’s largest renewable energy producer.