Planning application documents
Planning application documents
Table of Contents.pdf
Environmental Impact Assessment Report Introduction.pdf
Design Evolution and Alternatives.pdf
Project and Site Description.pdf
Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment.pdf
Geology and Ground Conditions.pdf
Terrestrial Ecology.pdf
Aquatic Ecology.pdf
Flood Risk Water Resources.pdf
Water Environment.pdf
Landscape and Visual.pdf
Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.pdf
Socio-economics and Tourism.pdf
Traffic and Transport.pdf
Noise and Vibration.pdf
Summary of Assessment.pdf
Figure 2.1 Surrounding Environment.pdf
Figure 2.2 Utilties.pdf
Figure 2.3 Development Layout.pdf
Figure 2.4 Above Ground Infrastructure.pdf
Figure 2.5 Below Ground Infrastructure.pdf
Figure 2.6 Headpond.pdf
Figure 2.7 Embankment.pdf
Figure 2.8 Embankment Cross-sections.pdf
Figure 2.9 Embankment Sections.pdf
Figure 2.10 Headpond Inlet Outlet.pdf
Figure 2.11 Tailpond Inlet Outlet Operation.pdf
Figure 2.12 Tailpond Screen.pdf
Figure 2.13 Tailpond Inlet Outlet Construction.pdf
Figure 2.14 Development Cross-section.pdf
Figure 2.15 Power Cavern.pdf
Figure 2.16 Waterways.pdf
Figure 2.17 Access Tunnel.pdf
Figure 2.18 Construction Tunnel.pdf
Figure 2.19 Compound 1 Construction.pdf
Figure 2.20 Compound 1 Operation.pdf
Figure 2.21 C1064 Realignment.pdf
Figure 2.22 Permanent Access Track.pdf
Figure 2.23 Temporary Access Track.pdf
Figure 2.24 Public Road Crossing 1.pdf
Figure 2.25 Public Road Crossing 3 and 4.pdf
Figure 2.26 Indicative Grid Connection.pdf
Figure 6.1 Ecology Field Survey Areas.pdf
Figure 6.2 Bat Activity Survey.pdf
Figure 6.3 Motion Sensitive Camera Trap Locations.pdf
Figure 6.4 Great Crested Newt Survey.pdf
Figure 6.5 Reptile Survey Areas.pdf
Figure 6.6 Butterfly Dragonfly and Damselfly Survey Transect Routes.pdf
Figure 6.7 Ancient Woodland.pdf
Figure 6.8 Phase 1 Habitat Survey Results.pdf
Figure 6.9 National Vegetation Classification.pdf
Figure 6.10 GWDTE and Peat Bog.pdf
Figure 6.11 Main Juniper Locations and Veteran Pines.pdf
Figure 6.12 Confirmed Bat Roosts.pdf
Figure 6.13 Otter Survey Results.pdf
Figure 6.14 Pine Marten Survey Results.pdf
Figure 6.15 Red Squirrel Survey Results.pdf
Figure 6.16 Reptile Survey Results.pdf
Figure 6.17 Butterfly Observations.pdf
Figure 6.18 Dragonfly Observations.pdf
Figure 6.19 Damselfly Observations.pdf
Figure 8.1 Ornithology Survey Areas.pdf
Figure 8.2 Red Listed Passerine Territories.pdf
Figure 8.3 Crested Tit and Crossbill Territories.pdf
Figure 8.4 Amber Listed Species Territories.pdf
Figure 8.5 Wader Territories.pdf
Figure 8.6 Waterbodies within 1km of Development.pdf
Figure 8.7 Red-throated Diver Nest Locations.pdf
Figure 8.8 Black Grouse Lek Locations.pdf
Figure 8.9 Barn Owl Roost Locations.pdf
Figure 9.1 Significant Water Features.pdf
Figure 9.2 Hydrological Catchments.pdf
Figure 9.3 Breach Locations.pdf
Figure 9.4 LiDAR NextMap.pdf
Figure 9.5 Model Domains.pdf
Figure 9.6 Land Type Roughness Zones 1.pdf
Figure 9.7 Land Type Roughness Zones 2.pdf
Figure 9.8 Land Type Roughness Zones 3.pdf
Figure 9.9 Breach 1 Extents.pdf
Figure 9.10 Breach 2 Extents.pdf
Figure 9.11 Breach 2 Extents.pdf
Figure 9.12 Breach 1.pdf
Figure 9.13 Breach 2.pdf
Figure 11.8a vp2 Abriachan Location Map.pdf
Figure 11.8b vp2 Abriachan Photomontage Year 1.pdf
Figure 11.8c vp2 Abriachan Photomontage Year 15.pdf
Figure 11.8e vp2 Abriachan Photomontage Year 1 50mm.pdf
Figure 11.8f vp2 Abriachan Photomontage Year 15 50mm.pdf
Figure 11.8g vp2 Abriachan Photomontage Year 1 75mm.pdf
Figure 11.8h vp2 Abriachan Photomontage Year 15 75mm.pdf
Figure 11.9a vp3 Lochend Location Map.pdf
Figure 11.9b vp3 Lochend Photomontage Year 1.pdf
Figure 11.9c vp3 Lochend Photomontage Year 15.pdf
Figure 11.9d vp3 Lochend Photomontage Year 1 50mm.pdf
Figure 11.9e vp3 Lochend Photomontage Year 15 50mm.pdf
Figure 11.9f vp3 Lochend Photomontage Year 1 75mm.pdf
Figure 11.9g vp3 Lochend Photomontage Year 15 75mm.pdf
Figure 11.14a vp8 Loch Ness Location Map.pdf
Figure 11.14b vp8 Loch Ness Photomontage Year 1.pdf
Figure 11.14c vp8 Loch Ness Photomontage Year 15.pdf
Figure 11.14e vp8 Loch Ness Photomontage Year 1 50mm.pdf
Figure 11.14f vp8 Loch Ness Photomontage Year 15 50mm.pdf
Figure 11.14g vp8 Loch Ness Photomontage Year 1 75mm.pdf
Figure 11.14h vp8 Loch Ness Photomontage Year 15 75mm.pdf
Figure 11.16a vp10 A82 Location Map.pdf
Figure 11.16b vp10 A82 Photomontage Year 1.pdf
Figure 11.16c vp10 A82 Photomontage Year 15.pdf
Figure 11.16e vp10 A82 Photomontage Year 1 50mm.pdf
Figure 11.16f vp10 A82 Photomontage Year 15 50mm.pdf
Figure 11.16g vp10 A82 Photomontage Year 1 75mm.pdf
Figure 11.16h vp10 A82 Photomontage Year 15 75mm.pdf
Scoping Opinion.pdf
Appendix 3.1 - CEMP.pdf
Appendix 3.2 - LEMP.pdf
Appendix 5.3 - Outline Peat Management Plan.pdf
Appendix 14.2 - Receptor List.pdf
Appendix 16.4 - Uncertainty in Modelling.pdf
Appendix 16.1 - Acoustic Terminology.pdf
Appendix 17.1 - Mitigation Register.pdf
Appendix 16.2 - Measurement Summaries.pdf
Appendix 16.3 - Model Input Data.pdf
Appendix 11.2 - Landscape Assessment.pdf
Appendix 15.2 - Swept Path Analysis Report.pdf
Appendix 14.3 - Outline Access Management Plan.pdf
Appendix 15.3 - Swept Path Analysis Drawings.pdf
Appendix 11.1 - Landscape and Visual Methodology.pdf
Appendix 14.1 - Summary Questionnaire Responses.pdf
Appendix 13.1 - Known Archaeology.pdf
Appendix 13.2 - Site Walkover Photos.pdf
Appendix 12.1 - Arboricultural Impact Assessment.pdf
Appendix 15.1 - Framework CTMP.pdf
Appendix 11.3 - Visual Assessment.pdf
Appendix 4.4 - Consultation Tracker.pdf
Appendix 5.2 - Material Management Appraisal.pdf
Appendix 4.5 - Gate Check Report.pdf
Appendix 4.1 - Pre-Application Advice Pack.pdf
Appendix 8.1 - Breeding Bird Survey Report.pdf
Appendix 9.1 -Flood Risk Assessment.pdf
Appendix 7.2 - INNS Risk Assessment.pdf
Appendix 10.5 - SWMP.pdf
Appendix 10.4 - WFD Assessment.pdf
Appendix 9.2 - Water Resource Assessment.pdf
Appendix 5.1 - Site Investigation.pdf
Appendix 6.6 - Butterfly Dragonfly Damselfly Survey Report.pdf
Appendix 6.3 - Mammal Survey Report.pdf
Appendix 6.7 - Method for Assessment.pdf
Appendix 6.2 - Bat Survey Report.pdf
Appendix 7.1 - Aquatic Ecology Survey Report.pdf
Appendix 6.1 - NVC Report.pdf
Appendix 6.5 - Reptile Survey Report.pdf
Appendix 6.4 - GCNSurveyReport.pdf
FEI Covering Letter April 2019.pdf
FEI Advert.pdf
Appendix A1 - Mountaineering Scotland.pdf
Appendix A2 NDSFB Correspondence.pdf
Appendix A3 Scottish Water Correspondence.pdf
Appendix A5 Scotways Correspondence.pdf
Appendix A6 - RSBP Correspondence.pdf
Appendix B Community Council Correspondence_ISSUED.pdf
Appendix C Outline_Access_Management_Plan_Rev2.pdf
Appendix D1 THC Access Recreation Correspondence.pdf
Appendix D2 THC Flood Risk Correspondence.pdf
Appendix D3 - THC Transport Corrspondence.pdf
Appendix D4 THC Forestry Correspondence.pdf
Appendix D5 THC EHO Correspondence.pdf
Appendix D6 THC Landscape Correspondence.pdf
Appendix E_Mitigation Register_FEI Update_April 2019.pdf
Appendix G - Summary of EIA Residual Effects.pdf