Planning application documents
Planning Application Documents
Landscape and Ecology Mitigation Plan
Viewpoint 1: Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, South of Allerthorpe Woods
Viewpoint 2: Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, within agricultural fields
Viewpoint 3: Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, North of Warren Farm Cottages
Viewpoint 4: Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, West of Warren Wood
Viewpoint 5: Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, East of Warren Wood
Viewpoint 6: Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, West of Waplington Hall
Viewpoint 7: Common Lane
Viewpoint 8: Thornton Footpath No.2, North of Byholme Farm
Viewpoint 9: Wilberforce Way, Walbut Bridge
Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, South of Allerthorpe Woods
Viewpoint 3: Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, North of Warren Farm Cottages
Viewpoint 3: Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, North of Warren Farm Cottages
Viewpoint 4: Allerthorpe Footpath No.2, West of Warren Wood
Landscape and Visual Appraisal 1
Landscape and Visual Appraisal
Landscape and Visual Appraisal document
Schedule of drawings
Planning Design Access Statement
Covering Letter
Site Location
Site Layout Plan
Proposed Site Layout-Greener Grid Park
Landscape and Ecology Mitigation and Enhancement Plan
Access Route and PRoW Map
Solar Panels
Inverter Plan and Elevation (Solar)
Indicative Solar Field Transformer
Indicative Control Building Plan
Indicative Security Column (Solar)
Indicative Battery Elevations
Indicative Inverter and Transformer Elevation
Indicative Transformer (GGP)
Energy Management Building Plan
Energy Management Building Elevations
Indicative HV Infrastructure Plan
Indicative HV Infrastructure Elevation
Indicative HV Infrastructure Elevation
Indicative HV Infrastructure Elevation
Indicative Container (GGP)
Indicative 4 X 4 Transformer
Indicative Cooler
Indicative Security Column (GGP)
Access Track Typical Section
Indicative Temporary Construction Compound Plan
Deer Fence and Gate Elevation
Indicative Palisade Fence Including Gate and Elevation
Culvert Details
Indicative Bridge Detail
Planning Amendment Documents
In July 2022, we submitted amendments to the planning application based on public feedback and our on-going engagement with the Allerthorpe Parish Council.
Planning Statement Addendum
Landscape and Visual Appraisal Addendum
Agricultural Land Classification
Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report for solar farm at Allerthorpe
Ecological Impact Assessment
Great Crested Newt Non-Licenced Method Statement
Biodiversity Metric Assessment
Biodiversity Enhancement Management Plan
Response to Natural England comments on Planning Consultation
Flood Risk Assessment Addendum
Drainage Impact Assessment Addendum
Noise Assessment
Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan