Pre-application Consultation Documents
Pre-Application Consultation on Alleston Solar Farm ran from Tuesday 8 October to Tuesday 19 November 2024, with in person events in Lamphey and Pembroke. Draft documentation from our Consultation remains online for reference ahead of submission of our final application to Planning and Environment Decisions Wales.
Pre-application Consultation Documents
CCTV Elevation
Compound Layout
Edge of park switchgear station elevation
Fence Elevation
Framework Elevation
Gate Elevation
Internal track section detail
LV Trench section details
Main Building Elevation
Main Building Plant
Monitoring Cabin
MV Station Elevation
MV Trench section details
Weather station elevation
3.0.1: Design and Access Statement (Part 1)
3.0.1: Design and Access Statement (Part 2)
3.0.1: Design and Access Statement (Part 3)
3.0.1: Design and Access Statement (Part 4)
3.0.1: Design and Access Statement (Part 5)
3.0.1: Design and Access Statement (Part 6)
3.0.2: Planning Statement
3.0.3: Alternative Site Assessment (Part 1)
3.0.3: Alternative Site Assessment (Part 2)
3.0.3: Alternative Site Assessment (Part 3)
3.0.3: Alternative Site Assessment (Part 4)
3.0.3: Alternative Site Assessment (Part 5)
3.0.3: Alternative Site Assessment (Part 6)
3.0.3: Alternative Site Assessment (Part 7)
3.0.3: Alternative Site Assessment (Part 8)
3.0.4: Transport Assessment
3.0.5: Environmental Noise Assessment
3.0.6: Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Part 1)
3.0.6: Arboricultural Impact Assessment (Part 2)
3.0.7: Flood Consequences Assessment
3.0.8: Glint and Glare Assessment
3.0.9: Sustainable Drainage Maintenance Plan
3.0.10: Collaborative Benefits Report
Alleston Solar Farm - Interim Pre-App Consultation Report
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Introduction
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Main Chapter and Figures Contents
Environmental Statement Volume 1: EIA Methodology
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Site and Development Description
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Alternatives and Design Evolution
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Construction Methodology
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Historic Environment
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Landscape and Visual
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Agricultural Land and Soils
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Biodiversity
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Summary and Residual Effects
Figure 1.1: Site Boundary Plan
Figure 3.1: Field Number Plan
Figure 3.2: Environmental Constraints Plan
Figure 3.3: Site Layout Plan
Figure 4.1: Previous Site Layout Plan
Figure 7.1: Zone of Theoretical Visibility.
Figure 7.2: Site Context Plan
Figure 7.3: Topographical Features Plan
Figure 7.4 Landscape Character Plan.pdf
Figure 7.5: Landmap Plan Geological Landscape
Figure 7.6: Landmap Plan Landscape Habitats
Figure 7.7: Landmap Plan Cultural Services
Figure 7.8: Landmap Plan Visual and Sensory
Figure 7.9: Landmap Plan Historic Landscape
Figure 7.10: Site Appraisal Plan
Figure 7.11: Visual Appraisal Plan
Figure 7.12: Landscape Strategy Plan (Part 1)
Figure 7.12: Landscape Strategy Plan (Part 2)
Figure 7.12: Landscape Strategy Plan (Part 3)
Figure 7.12: Landscape Strategy Plan (Part 4)
Figure 7.12: Landscape Strategy Plan (Part 5)
Appendix 1.1: Location of Information within the ES
Appendix 1.2: Statement of Expertise
Appendix 2.1: Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report (Part 1)
Appendix 2.1: Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report (Part 2)
Appendix 2.1: Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report (Part 3)
Appendix 2.1: Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report (Part 4)
Appendix 2.1: Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report (Part 5)
Appendix 2.1: Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report (Part 6)
Appendix 2.2: Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Response
Appendix 2.3.: PEDW Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Direction
Appendix 2.4 :Human Health Technical Note
Appendix 2.5: Carbon Assessment
Appendix 5.1: Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
Appendix 5.2: Outline Decommissioning Environmental Management Plan (DEMP)
Appendix 6.1: Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment (HEDBA) (Part 1)
Appendix 6.1: Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment (HEDBA) (Part 2)
Appendix 6.2 : Geophysical Survey (Part 1)
Appendix 6.2 : Geophysical Survey (Part 2)
Appendix 6.2 : Geophysical Survey (Part 3)
Appendix 6.2 : Geophysical Survey (Part 4)
Appendix 6.2 : Geophysical Survey (Part 5)
Appendix 6.3: Archaeological Evaluation Report
Appendix 7.1: Methodology
Appendix 7.2: Site Appraisal Photographs
Appendix 7.3: Site Context Photographs (Part 1)
Appendix 7.3: Site Context Photographs (Part 2)
Appendix 7.3: Site Context Photographs (Part 3)
Appendix 7.3: Site Context Photographs (Part 4)
Appendix 7.3: Site Context Photographs (Part 5)
Appendix 7.4: Landmap Sensitivity
Appendix 7.5: Landscape Effects Table
Appendix 7.6: Visual Effects Table
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 1)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 2)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 3)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 4)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 5)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 6)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 7)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 8)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 9)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 10)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 11)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 12)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 13)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 14)
Appendix 7.7: Photomontages (Part 15)
Appendix 7.8: Glint and Glare Assessment
Appendix 7.9 Outline Landscape and Ecological Management Plan
Appendix 8.1: Agricultural Land Classification Report
Appendix 8.2 Outline Soil Resource Management Plan
Appendix 8.3: Photographs
Appendix 9.1: Consultation Response Summary
Appendix 9.2: Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Appendix 9.3: Bat Surveys
Appendix 9.4: Breeding Birds
Appendix 9.5: Wintering Birds
Appendix 9.6: Otter and Water Vole
Appendix 9.8: Biodiversity Net Gain Report (Part 1)
Appendix 9.8 Biodiversity Net Gain Report (Part 2)